Bytemark Dashboards was a side project to my Customer Support work, to make some information screens to help with properly managing the support queues and jobs that needed to be done.
Originally I had stumbled on a piece of software called Dashing. Dashing, whilst not longer maintained by the original creators, has a lovely out of the box set of widgets that show basic numbers and graphs, constantly updated with Server Sent Events (SSE).
Home Grown Data Pipelines A while back I started to do some work to visualise my data spending habits my plan was to project my spending and savings on the wall so I constantly saw how it was going and therefore pulled up on my spending.
I got pretty far at processing data in order to show something
Using a service called Emma I could download CSV data from connected banks I would then manually parse this hledger a cli based double ledger system which could import CSV’s with a rule set.